Vastu Architecture: Theory & Application

Vastu Architecture

Design Theory & Application for Everyday Life

Michael Borden, 2011

With over 100 illustrations and two complete designs that can be built, this new book presents a milestone in usable, practical, vastu information.

The purpose of this book is to outline simply and clearly the technological and philosophical principles of Vastu science as applied to buildings for secular functions: houses, office, hospitals, clinics. Michael Borden's goal is to encourage the reader to cultivate a desire, through understanding, to create Vastu structures for their home or office.

His motivation comes from his personal experience of seeing his life and the lives of his clients benefit from creating a relationship with Vastu knowledge and space.

I have been studying Vastu for about six years, even taking some online courses. But it was your book and your plans that inspired me. Your book is well worn; there are probably thirty little 'sticky notes' marking reference pages and ideas and so forth. It is a wonderful work.
-- LAB, Idaho, 6/14

Vastu Architecture:
Design Theory & Application for Everyday Life

by Michael Borden
Copyright 2011, ISBN 9781456491789
200 Pages, Over 100 illustrations

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