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Wooden Shrines

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These Shrines are 100% compliant with Vaastu principles. The purpose is to place an "energy generator" in your home for rectification. The idea behind the installation of such a shrine is that we bring in a pure Vaastu object and it generates good energy vibrations in the house. This idea is in its experimental stages but I feel pretty confident that it will be worth the experiment.

Even if you already have a Vaastu home these Shrines will be a good addition to the Brahmastan area, or the location specified by your Vastu consultant. It's not in any way mandatory.

The Indian shrine is designed and built in Tamil Nadu by Vaastu Shilpis. It will be shipped directly to your home from India.

Vastu Shrine The Indian shrines are handcrafted mahogany or teak and are polished with varnish for natural coloring; they are not weatherproof. Dimensions: approximately* 1'3" x 1'3" x 2'; price: $2500.

The maple / birch shrines are fully compliant Vastu structures, designed to resonate with the specific clients. They are handcrafted in Fairfield, Iowa, are polished with an oil finish, and are not weatherproof. Dimensions: approximately* 1.5' x 1.5' x 2'.

*Dimensions will vary depending on the birth star of the owner. $800 plus shipping and tax for Iowa residents.

Also see information about metal icons & deities.