Vastu Shrines

Vastu shrine

Many people have been asking for some way to create a Vaastu effect while keeping their present home or office. In the face of this demand, we can offer authentically crafted, Vaastu inspired shrines that can be placed within the existing structure or on the property. The shrines are designed by highly trained Vaastu architects in India and crafted there by experienced Vaastu artisans.

The theory is that these shrines, being pure Vaastu structures, will offer healing and uplifting vibrations that can radiate throughout the entire area of the property. While living or working in a building that is perfectly aligned with Vaastu principles is ideal, the shrines are an experiment in rectification. We offer them as a possible solution for those who are not able to create a Vaastu structure from the ground up.

Wood Vastu Shrines

We offer both maple and teak shrines.

  • The teak shrines are $2500 including shipping, subject to the fluctuating dollar/rupee relationship.
  • The maple shrines are $800, plus shipping, plus tax for Iowa residents.

The shrines will be dimensioned with respect to the birth star of the owner of the house. See wood shrine details.

Stone Vastu Shrines

Estimate for the stone Shrines may range from $4000 to $15,000 depending on the size and the shipping requirements. All costs are subject to change depending on the particular requirements of the project in terms of materials, size and shipping. Also, the changing value of the US dollar against the Indian Rupee will be an issue. The final estimate for a shrine will be fixed after the design is commissioned and finished. All Shrines will require local craftsmen to do some relatively straightforward assembly. See stone shrine details.

Stone Vastu Temples

Another version of the stone shrine is a small temple or large shrine, about fourteen feet tall, and costing about $153,000. Carved of granite, these large stone shrines are authentically crafted by Tamil Nadu by Vaastu Shilpis.

Vastu Icons

Prescribed images to be placed within the shrines are available in stone or metal, depending on the prescribed size. Metal images are authentically crafted of the five panchaloha metals. See metal icon details and stone images.